I have been having so much fun exploring the world of jewelry making. I've realized there are so many options for materials, everything from plastic and wood to precious metals and gemstones.
Recently, I have found a love for small beads and crystals over the last month. Once I discovered stone setting, there has been no turning back for me. I've spent weeks scouring the internet looking for the best cup chain settings to make myself some tennis bracelets.
I also have a YouTube video showing all of these items off if you're interested.

I've always wanted one but never could really afford a nice diamond one. But now that I know how to set stones, I can make myself some beautiful ones with various colors of crystals, and most will never know the difference.
I made 4 different bracelets in addition to the one pictured, and I picked up cup chain settings from Gita Jewelry as well as a couple of Etsy shops. I'm currently building up my chaton collection to offer a wide array of options for bracelets and earrings once I begin selling custom pieces.
I also completed a few different pieces from my February Bargain Bead Box supplies. I signed up for a 6-month subscription in December, with my first box arriving in January, and it has quickly turned into my favorite subscription box I've ever received. You get so many items, and it's such an amazing value at only $17.95/month.

This month I also decided to give the Potomac Beads Bead Box XL a try (I got a 3-month subscription to this one) and received my first box a couple of weeks ago. If you're into bead weaving, this is a great subscription, you get 3 different patterns each month (they have a smaller box that you receive 2 patterns in) and the supplies to create 2 of them and various types of builds to help build up your stash. This month's patterns were the Rendevous Necklace and The St. Petersburg Bracelet. I liked the bracelet so much I made a 2nd one with supplies from my stash in a slightly larger size.

Since this is the first month I've gotten the box, I'm not sure how common this is but this month, we received most of the supplies necessary to complete the 3rd pattern supplied in the kit as well; I really appreciated that.
I didn't create nearly as many pieces as I would've liked this month, but I had many things going on, and some swaps that I participated in took me away from creating jewelry and doing more papercrafts. Hopefully, I'm able to do more this month. I also plan on trying to add more tutorials and project inspiration posts here. I've never been a big writer, so remembering to make a post in a timely fashion is my largest issue. I put the time and effort into making a video then have no desire to turn around a post about the same thing.
Look at this post, I made my video 2 days ago, posted it yesterday, and now it's 4 pm on Sunday, and I'm just getting around to the blog post. I WILL GET BETTER (at least that's what I keep telling myself)! Until then, please consider subscribing and keeping up with my sporadic posts. Maybe if more people read this, I will get better about posting regularly.